Tag: artwork

Fonts (Part 2)

A couple years ago, I came across the Doves font. I fell in love with it for two reasons. Firstly, it is the most beautiful serif font I’ve ever seen. Secondly, the Doves font has a wonderful story of loss and recovery. The original steel typeset blocks (sorts) were hurled into the Thames river, lost for generations. In 2014 a subset of the sorts were recovered, allowing the re-creation of the font.

Fonts (Part 1)

Fonts sit at the intersection of design, communication, and technology. I have a rather embarrassing collection of custom fonts that I’ve created, or edited. For this project, however, I immediately knew the font I wanted to use.

Novel Cover Concept Art

I’ve been playing around with a couple ideas for book cover art. The library itself remains central to all of the designs I’ve tried out. At the moment my favorite is a simple black and white ink sketch. As always, feedback is welcome and all designs are subject to change.

The Yellow Sign

Several of the stories I’ve written reference the Yellow Sign. This is something from Chambers’ classic story “The Repairer of Reputations” in the King in Yellow. The sign is associated with followers of the Hastur’s avatars and features prominently in the Yellow Mythos.

Artwork Launch

It is going to be a slow process to get this project off the ground. Right now it is a couple rough drafts of stories and outlines for about a dozen more. But in my spare time, I’ve been working to get the supporting infrastructure in place. So here is the first snippet of this project, the Podcast artwork! (version 1 and subject to revisions).